A 40 seconds TV/Web Spot combining Video and Animation for the ELEKTRONIKKA Event, The Electronic Experience with Monika Kruse, Anthony Rother, Adam Freeland, Tom Novy, Tiefschwarz, Les Schmitz, National Support (Padre El Ferenco, Insulin Junky, Dennes Deen, Junior Freak, Two Dollars, Tom Snow) and Live Visuals (ANDREASZ.COM).
I directed and created the Visual Design of the Spot, DJ Insulin Junky (www.insulin-junky.com) added the Sound.
The Electronikka Festival will take place in the Brucknerhaus Linz on the 20. of June 2009, more Infos can be found on the official homepage www.elektronikka.at
Party Logo for the “AG FEST”
The task was very simple; to create a Logo for the AG Fest, a party organized by the “AktionsGemeinschaft Salzburg” (link) with only one condition: it should include their rainbow Logo. I first tried to create a more serious text only logo with variations of the rainbow theme, but it didn’t work out that good so i decided to try a completely different approach by thinking of ways how to use the original rainbow logo. I hope I succeeded in creating a Logo/Poster Design that will stick in your mind when passing it on the street.
By the way: we are going to be there, djing (and hopefully also doing Live Visuals) as Richard Rise and would love to see all you Electro-Lovers there.
Edit: The location changed; instead of Spoon we will be in the Petersbrunnhof – that means more space and walls for visuals =)