
Mag.(FH) Andreas Diesenreiter

Philipp Eidinger

Philipp Infanger, bakk. komm.

Gabriel Schönangerer 

Markus Strengberger, bakk. komm.

  1. 6. September 2016, 10:30 | #1

    Trump is seeming to me to be the whackjob right wing simpleton that Palin is constantly accused of being.Our nation's fiscal issues go way deeper than "tax the rich" or "repeal Obamacare" can cover- there's going to be a reckoning for decades of allowing Congresscritters to spend frivolously. Unfortunately, the American people won't countenance anything that might get us back to balanced.

  2. 6. September 2016, 09:53 | #2

    sÄ… gorszÄ… zarazÄ… od bankierów:”Może to prawda, a może nie. Pan Wróbel oddziela te Å›wiaty zapominajÄ…c, że może fachowcy z GS (i innych banków) lobbowali za wprowadzeniem takich, a nie innych regulacji prawnych. ManipulacjÄ… jest unikanie tematu na ile te Å›wiaty przenikajÄ… siÄ™ (część pracowników administracji to byli pracownicy GS).

  3. 6. September 2016, 09:15 | #3

    Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah… The only thing that Baraka Claus is the "leader" of is the UNIONS! You wanna talk about "history"? History teaches us that socialism HAS NEVER WORKED! Period.

  4. 6. September 2016, 08:30 | #4

    Cold war kids en musique de fond… Hang me up to Dry…Une rue de NY, downtown. Elle marche d'un pas assure. Cette fille j'aimerais que cela soit moi. Parfois on s'imagine une autre vie. Parfois on voudrait que tout soit simple. Ou que tout soit complique. Comme cette fille qui marche sur ses talons Jimmy Choo dans une rue de NY.

  5. 6. September 2016, 08:28 | #5

    I have to comment on the crying, too. Wouldn't have expected it from good-natured little Millie, but it was something we went through every year for years. Hope she recovered quickly. Happy birthday Millie!!

  6. 6. September 2016, 08:00 | #6

    The Maoists And What Do They Want?” by Rita Khanna Jump to Comments Great stuff here. Who Are The Maoists and What Do They Want? A good overview of the Maoist revolution in India. Now from a generic Left POV, I would have to say

  7. 6. September 2016, 06:16 | #7

    When I spent a semester in DC, I found the paleo community there to be more diverse that what I saw at AHS. I also heard plenty of remarks about “paleo nutcases” from young white middle class educated Americans, the very demographic to which paleo seems to most appeal. I don’t consider the lack of diversity at AHS a “problem” as much as phenomenon to be looked at carefully. I think you are right that those with current health problems probably have other concerns–and expenses–that outstrip rubbing elbows with the paleo cognoscenti.

  8. 6. September 2016, 03:48 | #8

    Mais au fond, qu’est-ce qui vous dit qu’il « souffre » ? Tout ça n’est-il pas de la projection psychologisante sur une fonction que l’on ne remplit que si on l’a vraiment voulu ?

  9. 6. September 2016, 01:05 | #9

    david r2b: “…a Broadway production: the ABC’s of how Citizens take back their Government.”We can’t wait for the previous farce to end…(“How to Succeed in Government Without Really Governing”)

  10. 6. September 2016, 00:54 | #10

    Cudny, pachnący świeżością targ! tylko pozazdrościć Hiszpanom! Może kiedyś u Nas ktoś w końcu dostrzeże korzyści jakie płyną z takich targów, a nie tylko markety i markety!

  11. 5. September 2016, 22:46 | #11

    "Are you too really arguing that technology creates unemployment?"…Well TradetheLeaders you're kidding yourself if you think technology doesn't create unemployment but like all creative-destruction processes it also creates opportunities too…Many if not most of the time these opportunities also entail new forms of employment…You need to remember that we are coming up to the (as Krishnan indicated in his comment) and we'll be hearing a lot more of this sort of in the near future…

  12. 5. September 2016, 20:15 | #12

    25…but I don’t think this test is comprehensive enough or accurate enough to be meaningful. We all have autistic characteristics based on situation and context. Anywayz, have been reading TC’s blog for years. He is a pretty interesting dude that is a bit of a polymath. Sometimes the depth is too much for some topics but its always interesting.

  13. 5. September 2016, 19:40 | #13

    caprice thermal place otelde sömestirde iki odam var beser kişilik yedi gece sekiz gunduzlu odamı devrediyorum ilgili arkadaşlar irtibata gecebilir 05546988595

  14. 5. September 2016, 18:33 | #14

    Kochany panie Arturze pani Patrycjo pani Lidio Galas i Paulo Aniele wybaczcie ze znów dziś nie dałam rady napisać fotorelacji postaram się to zrobić jutro a dziś już muszę iść spać Ale pamiętam o Was Życzę kolorowych snów Marzycielscy Przyjaciele

  15. 5. September 2016, 18:09 | #15

    scrive:Ciao Elisabetta, queste tortine sembrano molto invitanti e poi senza burro, wow!! Io i dolci li adoro, non posso farne a meno.. ho provato a fare una torta coperta di pasta di zucchero (comprata), con qualche piccola decorazione..Posso chiederti qualche consiglio per smorzare un po’ il gusto orrendamente dolce? Grazie come sempre per le tue ricette, baci KinÃ

  16. 5. September 2016, 17:35 | #16

    Wow. Something really hard to hear, because it’s easy and makes so much sense! The two biggest messages I get from you.1. Starting is the first step to making cool shit, being perfect isn’t.2. Look to real life as an inspiration. The best plug-in, camera move, or fastest machine won’t make you better. A sketch, photo, or some visualization will help you get to where you want to go.I really appreciate your videos.

  17. 5. September 2016, 17:23 | #17

    Mamacrafter, I know what it is ike to forget a simple step. I am confused about someing you wrote, though. You mention “cutting off ” the bobbin thread before stitching. I don’t understand …unless your bobbin winds “in place”, in your machine? Coulld you explain this, plese?

  18. 5. September 2016, 14:23 | #18

    Some nations, those trading in Euro’s, are not sole issurers, they are users. In real terms they can have solvency issues, go broke, kaput no cash, if expenditures far exceed revenues. They would suffer the same fate of businesses and households neither of which issues its own currency.Generally, sole currency issuers can be sovereign or autonomous, the former issue their currency through public treasuries, the latter through privately owned central banks.

  19. 5. September 2016, 13:40 | #19

    Love this post!! :) great getting to know the family. Stephen Squirrel is far more stylish than me! Another fab shift dress, love the silver tights with it. And great rings! X xx

  20. 5. September 2016, 13:24 | #20

    Benvenuto! Io non parlo italiano bene ;-). Can I use dried figs for this recipe? Your blog is fantastic! I love it but I have already started learning Italian and don't understand everything :-) Ti saluto,Kinga

  21. 5. September 2016, 13:19 | #21

    Ante la dudosa autenticidad del autor del texto o carta, es primordial que se identifique; ya no es porque esté mal, sino por saber del verdadero autor.

  22. 5. September 2016, 12:48 | #22

    Hey! Yes squished is a good way to describe it. Yes have to try and keep the focus in the right places, sometimes hard to do. But just have to remind myself to change the things i can and work around the things I cannot. Sounds simple!!

  23. 5. September 2016, 12:17 | #23

    bohdk Василю, твоя підбірка, на жаль, відображає лише твої смаки. І заголовок теми3a47“15 найкращих фільмів 2012 року!” краще поправити. НП, “Тра-та-та, на мою скромну думку” – і тоді претензій буде набагато менше. На майбутнє сім разів подумай, перш ніж так високопарно давати оцінку. Дійсно, переважна більшість із запропонованих фільмів – на мою скромну думку – нижче 5 по десятибальній шкалі.

  24. 5. September 2016, 09:13 | #24

    I have a computrainer and am following your 10% improvement in 5 months program in season. Am 78-year old and should I adjust, if any, your foundation training as shown above, or just in general, being consider older than the average cyclist, how do adjust my training based on your program.thanks, Edward

  25. 5. September 2016, 08:32 | #25

    Finally a thread that helps people to try a verify and repair first. There’s nothing worse and more lazy than someone giving you the advice to do a full restore before exploring other simple options. Ran into the same problem and after a very quick verify and repair the problem was solved and Windows installed.

  26. 5. September 2016, 06:34 | #26

    Mä jotenkin tykkäsin tästä, vaikka ihan kivasti hapotti. Aikaa meni 5:30 jos oikein musitan aluks yritin kovasti hypää boksille, mutta toisella kiekalla aloin askeltaa…Loppuun vielä kippileuka harjoituksia ja mave voimaa Uusissa kengissä oli hyvä reenata

  27. 5. September 2016, 04:01 | #27

    Hey Guys, glad to see you are on the road again! We just finshed the Annapurna Circut and are relaxing in Pokara before we head down to India. Would be great to meet up for drinks if you have time and we are in the same area.Chat soon,Jason and Becky

  28. 5. September 2016, 01:16 | #28

    Robert, The 14th 15th 16th 17th and 18th were Ferbers design.Nicklaus was only responsible for the design of 6 holes, all the rest were original Ferber.Trevor Smith

  29. 4. September 2016, 19:21 | #29

    Ich hab auch grad meinen Senf im Blog hinterlassen und bin ebenfalls recht zufrieden. Bis auf den Stüft. Die arme Marke Kappa hat ihren schlechten Ruf glaub ich gar nicht verdient :D Und du interpretierst das Fructis Zeug als Spülung? Ich als Kur… hm… ich plane nach Nutzung noch Spülung zu benutzen, die die Pflege der Kur einschließt…

  30. 4. September 2016, 19:10 | #30

    « pour hisser un drapeau », pardon mais vous aviez saisi je pense. Au passage ce type d’étendard m’apparaît aussi grotesque que tous les autres. Les schtroumpfs, c’est quoi leur drapeau? Un bonnet phrygien teinté en blanc?

  31. 4. September 2016, 16:06 | #31

    Oh, Michelle I love this! You are right Lovely as a Tree is the best set – it was the 1st set I ever ordered before becoming a demonstrator. A very timeless set. Thanks for sharing.

  32. 4. September 2016, 15:56 | #32

    Pbrain, If your incendiary discourse ceased, this political blog would be both quiet and gentler. And more intelligent as well. Unfortunately Pbrain can’t halt his angry blather

  33. 4. September 2016, 13:54 | #33

    Google say you to get links from related niches and on quality regular updated websites. Try to get nofollow links from unrelated niche sites. and only Good content get comments :DSyed Daniyal recently posted..

  34. 4. September 2016, 13:36 | #34

    Par dridrine, j’ai recu ton mail avec le petit chat, et je crois bien que je vais suivre ces précieux conseils ! Bon, bin…bonne nuit, alors !

  35. 4. September 2016, 13:11 | #35

    Est-ce que cette taxe permet aux huiles de substitution de devenir compétitive face à l’huile de palme ? Cela rendrait la démarche sensée sur le plan environnemental, où qu’aille l’argent récupéré…

  36. 4. September 2016, 12:15 | #36

    Minister of the Interior."So it appears the violence was indeed facilitated by immigration, and wasn't provoked by the "aggressive tone and a strong degree of populist rhetoric". I expect the judaized media's line will change slightly: You should still feel guilty Whitey, and still shut up about immigration.

  37. 4. September 2016, 07:04 | #37

    Ajoute quelques crevettes grises en dépit de la couleur, d’une part çà se marie très bien avec, ensuite, çà prépare bien à la plage je trouve…Tu devrais éviter de conserver les tomates au frigo, leurs arômes se perdent (vraiment perdus même après retour à température ambiante) en dessous de 8°.

  38. 4. September 2016, 05:58 | #38

    Materia de capa da VEJA deste fim de semana. LULLA, o padim calango, depois de 2010 irá se exilar em SBCampo e irá montar um Instituto.Instituto ???????Só se for um instituto de beleza para a galega.

  39. 4. September 2016, 05:55 | #39

    * مركز الزواريضم هذا المركز متحفاً صغيراً، وعدداً من الأفلام والشرائح التي تروي تاريخ الحياة البرية في المحمية إلى جانب فضاءات واسعة للتنزه وتناول الطعام وملاعب الأطفال.

  40. 4. September 2016, 05:36 | #40

    Excellent post. I was checking continuously this blog and I’m impressed! Very helpful information particularly the last part I care for such info much. I was seeking this particular info for a long time. Thank you and good luck.

  41. 4. September 2016, 05:29 | #41

    Un errore qui sul weblog: innavvertitamente pubblicate in Rete;Due errori nell'articolo sul Morgellons: L'idea non è nuova: fu segnalata Popular Mechanics cinque anni fa; nuovo nome assegnato una patologia.

  42. 4. September 2016, 05:23 | #42

    I usually don’t ordinarily post on many another Blogs, still I just has to say thank you for Natural Pet Remedies… keep up the amazing work. Ok regrettably its time to get to my responsibilities.

  43. 4. September 2016, 02:47 | #43

    I love arugula, so this would so be on my list to make! I almost never eat other greens without this mixed in lately…my skinny jeans will be shown soon! I am conquering the bulge very well lately!

  44. 4. September 2016, 00:30 | #44

    Un fois j’ai essayé d’ajouter un outil de traduction mais je n’ai pas trouvé pour espagnol vers le français… ça serait cool. Mais si t’as des questions tu me diras.. je pourrais traduire ce que t’interesse.

  45. 3. September 2016, 22:24 | #45

    Kalifonia is a leftist hot bed and will never change unless you move Hollywood out of state. They have more queers, commies and lesbos than all other 49 states put together.

  46. 3. September 2016, 20:50 | #46

    17/11/2011E aquela hora que foram mostrar a entrada dos tanques na favela e no fundo um consultório com o escrito bem grande na frente “manutenção R$ 39,90″??? Que vergonha eu fiquei de ser dentista!  

  47. 3. September 2016, 20:26 | #47

    Too funny! Love the representation masks of you & Nancy! I wasn't able to go to convention this year either, but due to a bum hip. How exciting for your child to start Kindergarten, but WOW that is early! I'm sure it was a great day for your family! They grow up so fast! Our one & only “baby girl” will be starting her second year of college on the 25th! Stampin' Smiles from Ear to Ear,Ann

  48. 3. September 2016, 19:22 | #48

    alice, crossed fingers for you when you posted your flight might be cancelled. glad to hear about this weather change, hope it instills smile and warmth in your heart too. sorry to hear about the stolen coat and iphone though :(enjoy fashion week, have nice time at work with mr. Strozyna & stay punk!<3

  49. 3. September 2016, 18:42 | #49

    Luís disse:Confio muito nos caminhões Mercedes-Bens. Possuo um MB 1934 q merece ser elogiado pela sua durabilidade e confiabilidsade. Aproveito para perguntar: É possível adptar o motor do MB 1938 no MB 1934? Fica bom? Aguem pode me responder?

  50. 3. September 2016, 17:22 | #50

    - to be stamped under the Indian Stamp Act.One of my friends filed for a patent last week with POA on plain paper. I suppose, he can still submit the POA on stamp paper without his application being affected.Please advise.

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