Home > Dj/Vj, Event > Richard Rise @ Sommer, Sonne STV

Richard Rise @ Sommer, Sonne STV

It was a very nice party with people enjoying electro the hard way just like we do.

Andreasz Dj/Vj, Event

  1. 13. September 2016, 09:23 | #1

    they will cost $600. I asked him if he was mistaken since everything I’ve read suggested that the wifi only versions will be released at a later date. He confidently assured me that the wifi only version for $600 would be the one they’ll be getting first.So I’ll have to wait and see.

  2. 13. September 2016, 07:03 | #2

    à°¸ుà°œాà°¤ à°—ాà°°ు à°ˆ à°Ÿà°ªా చదవగాà°¨ె మనసంà°¤ా à°šాà°² à°¬ాధగా à°…à°¯ిà°ªో à°¯ింà°¦ంà°¡ి. à°¨ా à°•ూà°¤ుà°°ు à°šిà°¨్నప్పట్à°¨ుంà°šి కథలు à°šెà°ª్పమంà°Ÿే à°¸ిà°¨్నబ్à°¬ కథలు , ఇల్à°²ెà°°à°®్à°® కథలే à°šà°¦ిà°µి à°µిà°¨ిà°ªింà°šేà°¦ాà°¨్à°¨ి. à°¦ాà°¨ిà°•ి à°† కథలంà°Ÿె à°Žంà°¤ిà°·్à°Ÿà°®ో. à°µిà°¨్à°¨ కథలే మళ్à°³ీ మళ్à°³ీ à°šెà°ª్పమనేà°¦ి. à°† కథలు à°šà°¦ుà°µుà°¤ుంà°Ÿే à°Žంà°¤ à°¹ాà°¯ిà°—ా à°µుంà°Ÿుంà°¦ో.. à°®ిà°Ÿ్à°Ÿూà°°ుà°²ో à°ª్à°°à°¤ి à°—à°¡à°ª మనకు పరిచయముà°¨్నట్à°²ె à°…à°¨ిà°ªిà°¸్à°¤ుంà°¦ి..à°¨ాà°®ిà°¨ి à°—ాà°°ి à°•ొà°¤్à°¤ à°ªుà°¸్తకం à°—ుà°°ింà°šి à°¬ుà°•్ à°°ిà°µ్à°¯ుà°¸్ à°²ొ à°šూà°¡à°—ాà°¨ె ఈసాà°°ి à°¹్à°¯ెదరాà°¬ాà°¦ు వచినప్à°ªుà°¡ు తప్పకుంà°¡ా à°•ొà°¨ి చదవాలనుà°•ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°¨ు.ఇప్à°ªుà°¡ా à°•ోà°°ిà°• à°šà°š్à°šిà°ªోà°¯ింà°¦ి…. ఉహూ …తప్పకుంà°¡ా à°šà°¦ుà°µుà°¤ాà°¨ు.

  3. 12. September 2016, 23:05 | #3

    Anticipating future contributions, I suspect what will happen is that we will argue fine points among ourselves and we will all be ignored by people who make decisions and who have something at risk by ignoring us.So: send copies of posts to friends, relatives, elected representatives, etc. – in short, to whomever you know and ask them to do the same. Then, let's see what happens!

  4. 12. September 2016, 21:11 | #4

    Ja tønnebålet hører med på en skikkelig St.Hansaften i Bergen! Vi har vært og sett det noen ganger, men i går holdt vi oss til grilling på terrassen;)

  5. 12. September 2016, 20:54 | #5

    (just a point of clarification… the toddler named above was NOT put into storage for 6 months… just our possessions were. I didn’t proof before I posted. hehe)

  6. 12. September 2016, 19:08 | #6

    What morons, they expect us to believe blatant lies. The Telegraph is a well-known right wing paper which regularly prints briefings from military sources dressed up as ‘reporting’. So worthless and stupid.

  7. 12. September 2016, 09:53 | #7

    We’ve arrived at the end of the line and I have what I need!

  8. 12. September 2016, 08:10 | #8

    Ah, tenk på alt jeg kunne fått gjort hvis jeg bare eide den kalkunhatten fra Standard. Hørte jeg noen si getting things done??gobble gobble

  9. 12. September 2016, 02:53 | #9

    yo estuve en el balaton duas semanas atras`turvo muito turvo, ainda mais, cinza cor dos olhos de alguem e a agua è pesada, parece que se nada em argilabisous

  10. 12. September 2016, 01:44 | #10

    se non altro i tuoi amici hanno applicato il metodo scientifico e hanno sperimentalmente dimostrato l’assurdità di questa bufala. Non essere troppo duro con loro ;-) Sempre meglio di quelli che si ostinano a diffondere panzane vendendo aria fritta.[1] Nota di chiarimento: io sono un maniaco della raccolta differenziata, attuo da anni il compostaggio domestico in giardino e non uso il condizionatore

  11. 11. September 2016, 22:19 | #11

    very cute site, you both seem very in love…I just did a quick sketch of the Eiffel tower and have it posted on my blog. :D I’m living in the south as well too.(bama but hopefully moving soon) hope you’ll become a follower as well.. we seem to have many things in common. *Tiffanys ;)

  12. 11. September 2016, 17:12 | #12

    My favorite month is October. For me, October represents freedom and restoration, it reminds me of breaking away from an abusive situation and relearning who I was, in the midst of a world that is beautiful and colorful and full of scarves.

  13. 11. September 2016, 11:39 | #13

    Je tenterai le pilot même si ca me fait un petit peu peur… Depuis l’arrêt de Buffy, SMG ne brille pas par ses choix de carrière, c’est bien dommage !

  14. 11. September 2016, 07:08 | #14

    Falar do Benfica?! Só os teus Papalvos (poucos, os 2%) no meio de uns coiratos te conseguem ouvir rapaz! Para ti o Benfica é fonte de rendimento. Também ja te disse que nas eleiçōes não tens mais votos do que eu. Vou continuar a vir aqui, apesar da pornografia Gay, vou gostar de te ver a escrever menos merda, porque não tens alternativa. E um dia destes, quando se acabar o Coirato, olha para cima que eu atiro-te um blini com salmão fumado e Sevruga.

  15. 11. September 2016, 06:19 | #15

    Silahkan anda browsing sendiri di website saya terkait dengan posmodernisme dan Bourdieu. Seturut pemikiran Bourdieu, distinction adalah strategi, maka dilakukan dengan sadar. Menurut saya, Surya Paloh jauh lebih jelas melakukan distinction daripada dahlan iskan.

  16. 11. September 2016, 05:19 | #16

    I believe it was just such a desire — to expand Amy’s musical horizons — that I included this modern rock masterpiece on her tape. But like a child shunning filet mignon in favor of chicken nuggets, she resisted.I learned my lesson, and it was nothing but Indigo Girls and Tracy Chapman soundalikes from there on out.

  17. 11. September 2016, 00:32 | #17

    “she took care of something”.I think this defensive reaction is natural and expected. What is not so clear are all the reasons behind why we have these reactions. An interesting thing to ponder this Thursday morning.

  18. 10. September 2016, 22:15 | #18

    Thanks for all your efforts on this web site. Ellie enjoys doing internet research and it’s simple to grasp why. Almost all learn all regarding the lively medium you give simple guidelines through your website and even inspire response from others on this concern and our favorite child is actually understanding so much. Have fun with the rest of the new year. You are always carrying out a superb job.

  19. 10. September 2016, 13:26 | #19

    Obviously your interpretation of Sagan’s position is wrong. We study the cosmos recognising that it is far more than we can see (or imagine). Obviously with out understanding of “cosmos” things like other packet universes, and gods are part of the concept. If the concept is that it is all that exists, then something that exists is part of the cosmos. We don’t have to see it, know it or imagine it for it to be part of all that exists, surely.Your position is the naive anti-science argument that criticises science because it doesn’t know everything.  Ken  

  20. 10. September 2016, 07:30 | #20

    Ma gandeam la o faza din Idiocracy. Peste 2.500 de ani, intr-o societate in care inteligenta a involuat, Oscarul pentru cel mai bun film l-a castigat o pelicula numita Ass, care prezenta o ora jumatate doua buci in rasetele demente ale spectatorilor. De aici, doua posibilitati: ori asta o fi nivelul de inteligenta al spectatorilor de la teatrul din localitate, ori conducerea teatrului si-a propus sa mizeze doar pe spectatori cu o astfel de inteligenta  

  21. 10. September 2016, 05:16 | #21

    Have you ever thought about publishing an e-book or guest authoring on other sites? I have a blog based upon on the same topics you discuss and would really like to have you share some stories/information. I know my readers would value your work. If you’re even remotely interested, feel free to send me an e-mail.

  22. 10. September 2016, 00:03 | #22

    Erika, örülök annak, amikor ilyen terjedelmeset írsz. :) A viccen jót mosolyogtam. :D A pénz pedig lehet, hogy nem boldogít, de nélküle igen boldogtalanok tudunk lenni. Heni, ez a fordított működés nekem (még?) nem megy, bár valóban szanaszét stresszelem magam azon, ha mondjuk az utolsó ötezrest kell beosztanom, és annyi minden kellene… olyankor tényleg jobb már, hogy semmi nincs. Köszi az örömhírt, amit Nálad találtam az imént. :))) Jujj, de jó volt látni. :)

  23. 9. September 2016, 23:10 | #23

    Whats Happening i’m new for this, I stumbled upon this I’ve found It completely useful and it has helped us out tons. I’m hoping to offer a info & assist other users like it’s helped me personally. Great job.

  24. 9. September 2016, 03:00 | #24

    I would be so happy to meet Alex Perry to have the opportunity to ask him about his Sydney-Opera-House-Barbie-Dress. I am an opera singer and am longing to wear it to my next concert.Besides, I am creating my own dresses which women want to steal (or buy) from my body!

  25. 8. September 2016, 20:46 | #25

    We were JUST discussing your bathroom today! We met with Walter to get a quote for our downstairs renovation. He was saying how cool your shower tiles were. He was right!

  26. 8. September 2016, 20:44 | #26

    Det där är ju till och med värre än misärdagen du och jag hade! Då hade vi ju i alla fall varandra och Bräkne-Hoby, men det här låter ju helt och hållet förjävligt. Lider med dig, ska du veta! Förhoppningsvis visar den här händelsen bara att nu har du gått igenom det värsta under 2011, så nu kan det bara bli bättre. :)

  27. 8. September 2016, 18:52 | #27

    It is becoming apparent that I need to make some kind of pie this way. I’ve read your stuff on mincemeat since coming across a jar of it in the shop and being intrigued. I really want to make some mincemeat, and some of these beautiful little pies, but I’m not so sure they will go down well with a norwegian palate. Obviously it can’t hurt too much to try. Something that contains both raisins and brandy (or rum) is considered a true, true friend of mine. Thank you for the insight Joe!

  28. 8. September 2016, 17:49 | #28

    Felipe dijo: 28 agosto 2009 hola olivers no sabia q tambien tenias tuto para esto ejjeej.MI problema es el siguiente: tengo una pagina web q deseo actualizarla desde internet, ya instale el proftpd descarga bien la informacion, pero no se deja sobreescribir no se que tengo de malo, me podrias ayudar??gracias

  29. 8. September 2016, 11:45 | #29

    I'm generally put off fad diets because there seems to be a new one every week, with people singing its praises until the next one comes along. I've instead just assumed I'll be fine as long as I keep exercising.However, I think I've got a fairly high metabolism, so I've been able to get away with a lot of crap in my diet. Now that I'm past 30, I may have to start being more careful…

  30. 8. September 2016, 11:18 | #30

    Att nyliberaler inte finns inom partipolitik längre är inte så underligt eftersom deras politik inte kan kompromissas med och därför inte tål vanlig pragmatisk politisk vardag.Titta på självaste ärkellibertarianen Anders Borgs avbön till exempel.

  31. 8. September 2016, 08:33 | #31

    Hello there! I know this is kinda off topic but I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest authoring a blog post or vice-versa? My blog goes over a lot of the same subjects as yours and I feel we could greatly benefit from each other. If you’re interested feel free to shoot me an email. I look forward to hearing from you! Terrific blog by the way!

  32. 8. September 2016, 08:28 | #32

    The first two Paradise Lost films are addressed in this doc and mentioned as contributing factors. West of Memphis is a documentary, however, that has been in the making for some time and people involved with the investigative team behind the documentary were directly responsible for acquiring evidence that helped in getting the three freed.I say this not having seen any of the Paradise Lost films however, so please excuse my ignorance if I am missing something.

  33. 8. September 2016, 04:05 | #33

    I’ve recently started a web site, the information you provide on this website has helped me tremendously. Thank you for all of your time & work. “There can be no real freedom without the freedom to fail.” by Erich Fromm.

  34. 8. September 2016, 02:38 | #34

    Thanks Barb!Most certainly you can link to this post! I know the stereotypes on TV always display guys as just football heads (and we are), but we also love our family and kids!Thanks for making me feel good about this post

  35. 8. September 2016, 00:33 | #35

    La mente matematica di solito apprezza la logica (ed anche la musica!).Scommetto che Straker non suona, visto che di logica scarseggia, non mi stupisce che per lui 60m x tg 30°=1800mSi calcola così:tg? cosa è? i telegiornali non contano, fanno parte del complotto quindi si toglie.Cosa resta? 60 metri per 30 gradi.I gradi sono dei militari, non contano, fanno parte del complotto, si tolgono.I metri sono neutrali quindi restano.Quindi, 30 X 60m = 1800m!ue questa è matematica sciemochimistica, senza disinformazione ne militari, è guista per forza!

  36. 7. September 2016, 22:32 | #36

    you need to hide it a bit more so nobody asks you to do anything. Although it's not like you are that busy or anything… :) Can't wait to come for a getaway, we should know more after this weekend!

  37. 7. September 2016, 18:56 | #37

    You could certainly see your skills in the paintings you write. The arena hopes for even far more passionate writers like you who aren’t afraid to mention how they believe. All the time go after your heart.

  38. 7. September 2016, 18:09 | #38

    How can the race be close and also near impossible for Clinton to over take him. It sounds like a contradiction in terms. If his delegate lead is insurmountable then the race woudl be over. Also, I know the rules, super delegates can choose who they want but would it be damaging to the party if Supers overturned pledged delegates? October 27, 2012 Brian

  39. 7. September 2016, 15:07 | #39

    Hej, w szkole nawet dobrze, całą parą idą przygotowania do występów, uczymy się wierszyków i piosenek o Babciach i Dziadkach Długi weekend fajna sprawa, będę mogła sobie dłużej pospać hihi.My zostajemy w domku, nigdzie się nie wybieramy.Wspaniałego weekendu i dobrej nocki Kamilko

  40. 7. September 2016, 08:07 | #40

    We are running +1 in our WordPress Blog, but there is a huge Bug in your Code. :)If I use it on single.php and the excerpt is displayed on the blog's homepage, it counts the +1 for the homepage/root not for the single post. Because it's taking the URL of the current page. That's a fail for the usage of WordPress. Have a look:

  41. 6. September 2016, 21:08 | #41

    It’s not uncommon to see him move faster off the ball than the opposing offensive linemen who actually knows the snap count. The amazing part is he has been excelling at this as an undersized (300 lbs) 3-4 nosetackle.

  42. 6. September 2016, 20:46 | #42

    Cảm ơn Van Anh. Anh Tiến xin được thay mặt anh Tuấn sẽ liên lạc với Van Anh nhé, nếu anh Tuấn quá bận.

  43. 6. September 2016, 16:38 | #43

    à°°ాà°œ్ à°•ుà°®ాà°°్, à°‡ంà°•ా నయం!à°—ుà°š్à°šà°¡à°®ా à°ªాà°¡ా? à°…à°¯ిà°¨ా మనం à°šà°¦ుà°µుà°¤ాà°®ా à°²ేà°¦ా à°…à°¨ేà°¦ి మన à°¸్వవిà°·à°¯ం! "à°¨ిà°œంà°—ా à°šà°¦ుà°µుà°¤ాà°°ా?" à°…à°¨ే ఆశ్à°šà°°్à°¯ం à°Žంà°¦ుà°•à°Ÿా జనాలకి? à°µాà°³్à°³ు à°šà°¦ుà°µుà°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°°ో à°²ేà°¦ో à°ª్à°°à°¶్à°¨ింà°šుà°•ోà°•ుంà°¡ాà°¨ే à°ªుà°¸్తకాà°²ు à°•ొà°¨ే à°µాà°³్లని à°šులకనగా à°šూà°¸ే à°®ా à°•ోà°²్ à°•à°¤ా à°…à°¤్తయ్à°¯ à°ªిà°¨్à°¨ి(ఆవిà°¡ à°•à°°ెà°•్à°Ÿ్ à°—ా à°¨ాà°•ేమవుà°¤ుంà°¦ో à°¤ెà°²ీà°¦ు మరి)à°—ాà°°ిà°•ో à°¬ుà°²్à°²ి à°šుà°°à°• ఇది! à°®ీà°°ు à°Žంà°šà°•్à°•ా à°®ంà°šి à°ªుà°¸్తకాà°²ు చదవంà°¡ి

  44. 6. September 2016, 12:57 | #44

    I love SYTYCD, and have watched it from the first season, but I just watched tonight’s episode, and was insulted when Christina Applegate’s comment, “Jesus, I loved that…” was bleeped. Since when is “Jesus” a vulgar word? I’m appalled that is so acceptable to offend Christians.

  45. 6. September 2016, 03:19 | #45

    EFPs can still be "improvised".Technically, if it's not mass-produced in a factory, it's "improvised", and we've been teaching our snake-eating soldiers how to do EFPs for a while.I've got an OLD US Army demolitions manual that talks about a skilled demolitionist being able to hit a 5' square target at better than 50 yards (yes it's old enough it's in "yards", not "meters") with an improvised EFP.

  46. 6. September 2016, 01:42 | #46

    I think Marc Deas (safety), Quintavius Harrow (safety), Damien Swann and Blake Sailors will be fine in the secondary.Beyond that Shaq Wiggins looks amazing as a recruit for DB, and Tray Matthews as a safety. Both look like they could start day one.

  47. 5. September 2016, 23:31 | #47

    Sue K,Egads! It’d be interesting to see the illness/disease of those residents over time. Thanks for the link.I couldn’t help but wonder about the reduction in the military defense budget for the “usual” items and the obvious increase in monies for “other” areas such as these new labs for DHS and, of course, the area of technology.I think you’ll find that book really interesting.

  48. 5. September 2016, 22:18 | #48

    “why didn’t you tell me that you didn’t want American quality fixtures, I will send you Japaneese quality fixtures right away.”When the new order came in they were a bit more expensive, but of amazing quality and looked good.Apparently Chineese think that we like cheap more then we like quality. I wonder where they would have gotten an idea like that. Cough…Walmart.Cough…Home Depot.Cough…Lowes.

  49. 5. September 2016, 20:56 | #49

    What colour is the sky in his world?Faith ?? belief in the invisible man in the sky and his brainwashing that suffering is good for us, rape of children is OK, men of god living in palaces while the rest starve, owning the richest bank in the world is OK??Sorry, faith should be confined to the 4 walls of church buildings and nowhere else.

  50. 5. September 2016, 15:41 | #50

    Oh Bev, you make me feel so jealous, you create such stunning cards and this one is no exception, its beautiful. Well done with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

Kommentar Seiten
1 ... 27 28 29 30 31 ... 53
  1. 26. Dezember 2012, 07:01 | #1
  2. 29. Dezember 2012, 00:40 | #2
  3. 7. Januar 2013, 16:18 | #3
  4. 8. Januar 2013, 07:25 | #4
  5. 15. Januar 2013, 17:55 | #5
  6. 19. Januar 2013, 10:33 | #6
  7. 19. Januar 2013, 10:53 | #7
  8. 9. Februar 2013, 10:02 | #8
  9. 10. Februar 2013, 09:54 | #9
  10. 16. Februar 2013, 17:57 | #10
  11. 19. Februar 2013, 02:00 | #11
  12. 20. Februar 2013, 17:26 | #12
  13. 25. Februar 2013, 05:21 | #13
  14. 26. Februar 2013, 13:09 | #14
  15. 1. März 2013, 09:02 | #15
  16. 16. März 2013, 23:43 | #16
  17. 22. März 2013, 11:27 | #17
  18. 10. April 2013, 13:55 | #18
  19. 10. April 2013, 13:56 | #19
  20. 10. April 2013, 14:00 | #20
  21. 10. April 2013, 14:00 | #21
  22. 10. April 2013, 14:01 | #22
  23. 10. April 2013, 14:05 | #23
  24. 10. April 2013, 14:07 | #24
  25. 11. April 2013, 11:54 | #25
  26. 11. April 2013, 11:55 | #26
  27. 11. April 2013, 11:55 | #27
  28. 21. April 2013, 03:35 | #28
  29. 21. April 2013, 12:36 | #29
  30. 21. April 2013, 23:30 | #30
  31. 22. April 2013, 18:53 | #31
  32. 24. April 2013, 15:16 | #32
  33. 26. April 2013, 01:07 | #33
  34. 26. April 2013, 01:25 | #34
  35. 26. April 2013, 03:03 | #35
  36. 26. April 2013, 04:30 | #36
  37. 26. April 2013, 05:50 | #37
  38. 26. April 2013, 07:04 | #38
  39. 26. April 2013, 09:32 | #39
  40. 27. April 2013, 10:08 | #40
  41. 29. April 2013, 06:42 | #41
  42. 2. Mai 2013, 20:35 | #42
  43. 2. Mai 2013, 20:45 | #43
  44. 2. Mai 2013, 20:47 | #44
  45. 3. Mai 2013, 16:08 | #45
  46. 4. Mai 2013, 04:02 | #46
  47. 4. Mai 2013, 05:11 | #47
  48. 4. Mai 2013, 05:19 | #48
  49. 4. Mai 2013, 07:12 | #49
  50. 5. Mai 2013, 06:36 | #50
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  108. 20. Mai 2013, 06:58 | #108
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  110. 21. Mai 2013, 07:33 | #110
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  194. 1. Juni 2013, 00:13 | #194
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  353. 19. Juni 2013, 15:40 | #353
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