
Mag.(FH) Andreas Diesenreiter

Philipp Eidinger

Philipp Infanger, bakk. komm.

Gabriel Schönangerer 

Markus Strengberger, bakk. komm.

  1. 24. Dezember 2016, 08:43 | #1

    am cumparat cartea de la magazin zilele trecutefelicitari acum am vazut ca daca as fi comandat de pe site reuseam sa te cunosc personal, din pacate am ratat sper totusi sa am ocazia sa-ti fac cinste cu o bere dupa meciul de vineri, daca te identific in peluza Doar PETROLUL

  2. 24. Dezember 2016, 04:52 | #2

    Sanna, viittaat ilmeisesti kommentillasi minuun (joskaan en ole koskaan tituleerannut itseäni muotitoimittajaksi). Aika kevyin perustein lähdet tekemään tuntemattomista ihmisistä, heidän elämästään ja perspektiivistään oletuksia. Tyyliblogin kirjoittaminen ei tarkoita ettei päässä liikkuisi mitään muuta kuin kengät ja meikit eikä se, että kolmekymppisenä on mahdollisuus tehdä työtä josta nauttii, tarkoita ettei taustalla olisi vuosien hanttihommia, opiskelua ja kovaa duunia, jolla tuo tilanne on saavutettu.Onneksi ystäväpiiriini ei kuulu kaltaisiasi ihmisiä.StellaParas aika

  3. 24. Dezember 2016, 04:26 | #3

    Aarhg!And surely the Haruka figures would evaporate as fast as the Goodsmile Dark Elf.And when are the preorders going to open?(I hate you Volks,and here I was thinking you had changed)

  4. 24. Dezember 2016, 00:44 | #4

    Bester Messer-Bronx,ja, ich glaube das mit den Pflegeeinheiten meine ich ernst. Soll ich mich melden, wenn ich die angekündigten Reparaturen durchgeführt habe? Vorher habe ich aber noch ein paar andere Baustellen, heute Abend arbeite ich die mal textlich ab…Sandmann

  5. 23. Dezember 2016, 23:15 | #5

    александр махнёв :за «ÃÂ²Ã‘‹ÑÐ¾Ñ†ÐºÐ¾Ð²ÐµÐ´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ðµ» не берусь. но небольшое эссе о высоцком обещаю. тут нет, не знаю-тут у меня похоже необъявленный бойкот. ну да благо инет большой)а вам если есть что вспомнить- непеременно надо вспоминать!!! всенепременно!!!

  6. 23. Dezember 2016, 21:32 | #6

    Margarida, obrigada pelo comentário das lãs!PS: fachavor de não pôr aqui tantas fotografias de bolinhos lindos e apetitosos! há quem esteja a tentar resistir-lhes!!!

  7. 23. Dezember 2016, 21:02 | #7

    For bipolar, take flax seed supplements. You can think of it as high-quality oil for high speed brains. In fact, everyone can benefit from flax seed. I’d stay away from fish oil.

  8. 23. Dezember 2016, 17:58 | #8

    Hi! I want to finish my Peek A Boo quilt that I have to have commenced previous year! I need to quilt the border and bind it. I got stuck on what to do when using the border a though ago. I have been inspired and just need to get on with it!

  9. 23. Dezember 2016, 16:42 | #9

    Holy! I never thought of Miss Piggy that way until now!Seriously, Sesame Street Producers, you obviously approved of the wardrobe which is very cute and very Katy. She did a wonderful job! (Elmo too . . .) They both deserve their spot and the kids deserve to enjoy it!

  10. 23. Dezember 2016, 15:52 | #10

    Its not that difficult to be successful on internet. As long as you are knowledgeable in link building and willing to learn new techniques, then you will survive. Always provide fresh content updates in your site, to have lots of visitors.

  11. 23. Dezember 2016, 13:57 | #11

    good video. i also love that cleanser. one thing about that night cream in a jar. u are dead on about not putting bacteria ridden fingers/hands in the jar . however u missed another point about jars. they lose a lot of their effective ingredients when air touches them, so bottles that are air tight are much better. surprised she used a jar.

  12. 23. Dezember 2016, 13:14 | #12

    Kjære MoaVakkert bilde og stillhet og skjønnhet klinger godt i mine ører.Ønsker deg en fredfylt jul med familien og tusen takk for alle dine nydelige og inspirende bilder og søte kommentarer!Klem fra Kaspara

  13. 23. Dezember 2016, 09:01 | #13

    Yes, the same israel that fails to teach its children about Palestine, that rears them to have little more than comtempt for these “other” in the land they are told is “theirs” from sea to river. That then teaches them to brutalize them during army service. Nothing to do with plain old zionist supremacist ideology, that their own schools, summer camps and ZioTV blares at them day after day of their lives. Couldn’t *possibly* be poor ickle israel’s fault.

  14. 23. Dezember 2016, 05:55 | #14

    Semoga pada momen 100 tahun kebangkitan nasional ini pemerintah introspeksi diri, dan lebih penting lagi rakyat nya per individu juga introspeksi diri apa yang telah kita berikan kepada bangsa selama kita hidup di indonesia tercinta ini. mari berbuat, mari bangkit.

  15. 23. Dezember 2016, 04:52 | #15

    And if the uploader lets you participate, there should be a more convenient way of doing so. A drop down menu or a tab at the bottom of the video makes far more sense.

  16. 23. Dezember 2016, 03:03 | #16

    Vous croyez que tous les retraités, parce qu’ils paient des impôts, sont parmi les plus riches de France. Lagardère , Bernard Arnault sont riches. Mais la majorité des retraités même en payant des impôts, ont parfois du mal à boucler leur fin de mois. Et la retraite qu’ils ont gagnés, c’est grâce à leur travail, pendant près de 40 ans.

  17. 23. Dezember 2016, 01:29 | #17

    Hola que tal: mi consulta es para saber el valor que tiene una casa que tenga cocina comedor 2 dormitorios y baño. Mi terreno tiene 10 x 28.Gracias. espero respuesta

  18. 22. Dezember 2016, 20:47 | #18

    Your project is beautiful, but sadly does not qualify for entry at NMW Challenges. We require sn image a sentiment alone does not count. So sorry. Suzanne (Owner)

  19. 22. Dezember 2016, 20:25 | #19

    Wanted to drop a comment and let you know your Feed is not functioning today. I tried adding it to my Google reader account and got absolutely nothing.

  20. 22. Dezember 2016, 20:06 | #20

    That thing sold for 1.35 million in April of 2007. Taxes are 13K. The list price is stagnant for about a year now. It is at 950 Edgewater Avenue- less than a block from the intersection of Rt 1 & 9.If you have that kind of money, why would you want to live across the street from a dilapidated apartment building and around the corner from a grungy strip mall?

  21. 22. Dezember 2016, 19:40 | #21

    That would be BRADY Anderson, Steve. There have also been a number of sabermetricians that have taken over for James and greatly improved on his work. My understanding is that steriod can't account for the entirety of the offensive levels in part because the jump was too sudden. Don't get me wrong, I don't like cheaters.

  22. 22. Dezember 2016, 14:41 | #22

    too. He said that by running our home frugally and paying attention to detail, I can save money just as if I were earning it. For example, right now we buy whatever we want to eat whenever we need to and but as a SAHM on one income, I would need to be on a strict budget that would include lots of monitoring and meal-preparing. It very well could be seen as running a business but I like thinking of it like that – makes me feel useful.

  23. 22. Dezember 2016, 14:12 | #23

    ¿Te refieres a hacer una investigación en base a las experiencias de la gente con tratamientos científicos y pseudocientíficos? Podría ser interesante, al menos como curiosidad. Por mi parte, yo aporto la experiencia de muchos años de práctica médica, en los que he visto curarse o controlar enfermedades graves a diario mucha gente con terapias científicas, mientras que con pseudomedicinas sólo se obtiene una ligera mejoría de síntomas psicosomáticos, perfectamente compatible con un efecto placebo.Los estudios científicos refrendan claramente mi impresión.

  24. 22. Dezember 2016, 12:23 | #24

    VPN fornisce il collegamento a un sito esterno bloccato in Italia, o viceversa, connettersi a un sito come la RAI dall’estero (canali in streaming sono visibili solo in Italia).

  25. 22. Dezember 2016, 12:08 | #25

    I was just thinking the other day that we need a completely non-ironic and wildly racist character to enrage the commenting population. You know, ’cause there’s absolutely no humorous racism/sexism already permeating every other post here.If only Glen was savvy enough to circumvent the fact that he can no longer log on, he might give Vinyard a piece of his mind…

  26. 22. Dezember 2016, 11:07 | #26

    I think one of my particular problems is the fact that I abuse the favorites feature as a “to read” or “bookmarks” – I kind of wish they’d create a “read later” or “to read” feature that functions exactly like Favorites.Favorites, I’d rather keep as what I think is intended- saving the tweets I like best, usually funny ones.However, there’s many people and accounts out there that are pretty much link feeders, in which case I’d get a lot of use out of a “to read for later” option.

  27. 22. Dezember 2016, 10:22 | #27

    Websites we think you should visit…we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out…

  28. 22. Dezember 2016, 10:12 | #28

    Would it make any difference if the home health care worker used his own vehicle and was paid by how many clients he visits? Perhaps as a contract employee.

  29. 22. Dezember 2016, 10:10 | #29

    Really trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading..

  30. 22. Dezember 2016, 09:31 | #30

    Great points. I think the green movements needs to accept that technology is at least part of the solution, and businesses need to admit that this might be one solution we can’t consume our way out of.

  31. 22. Dezember 2016, 08:21 | #31

    sakāmvārds saka:Meliem īsas kājas. Agrāk vai vēlāk viss nāk gaismā. Žēl tikai cilvēku, kas šo viltus patriotu dēļ zaudējuši savu dārgo laiku un, iespējams, pat veselību un dzīvību. Bet Visaugstākais Soģis nav mazais bērns. Saņems Dieva sodu arī Aivars Garda.

  32. 22. Dezember 2016, 08:03 | #32

    I realize it’s a matter of principle, but why does drzz just set up their blog on Blogspot? That way, they can avoid the petty rules of officious French blog companies like over-blog.

  33. 22. Dezember 2016, 04:19 | #33

    Wow, love what I see so far cannot wait to see the entire album! Thanks Drew for helping capture our special day celebrating our 25th anniversary.

  34. 22. Dezember 2016, 04:02 | #34

    I have a small business. We would love to help. I have electricians,Framers,Masonary,etc. We are not finacially capable of the expences. If anyone knows of a web site or contact please e-mail us at

  35. 22. Dezember 2016, 03:42 | #35

    قال:الغريبه انه لم يصلني اي تحديث بالرغم من ان شريحه كبيره وصلهم تحديث الاس 3 وانا لا تزال رسالة عدم توفر التحديث تظهر الي…. ف مالحل بليز يا اخوان +96896004366 للمساعده

  36. 22. Dezember 2016, 03:19 | #36

    I found just what I was needed, and it was entertaining!

  37. 22. Dezember 2016, 00:38 | #37

    I have got one idea for your blog site. It seems like there are a number of cascading stylesheet troubles while launching a number of webpages in google chrome and firefox. It is functioning alright in internet explorer. Probably you can double check this.

  38. 22. Dezember 2016, 00:04 | #38

    Actually, chemtrail spraying is not even a theory. It’s a fact. If they are not spraying for the heat, then it’s something even more sinister. Also, if these are regular contrails then how come they only occur on certain days? There are flights EVERY single day yet these “contrails” only form on certain days? Don’t say it’s the weather condition because that variable stays the same on many days. There’s no correlation between the weather and these “contrails”.

  39. 21. Dezember 2016, 23:27 | #39


  40. 21. Dezember 2016, 23:22 | #40

    Vegies, vegies and more vegies. We put colli,brocholli, onions,carrots,silverbeet,garlic,zucchini and pumkin in our meatballs. They really are more vegie balls. They are delicious and that’s 8 vegies in 1 meal.

  41. 21. Dezember 2016, 18:31 | #41


  42. 21. Dezember 2016, 17:50 | #42

    Hey, tænkte bare om du ikke ville lave et indlæg om de ting du skal se/opleve og de ting du vil købe? og så når du er kommet hjem måske? jeg skal nemlig selv til NY snart og kunne godt bruge lidt inspiration

  43. 21. Dezember 2016, 16:56 | #43

    « Mais je reste distant par rapport à cette description des choses. Je n’en suis convaincu qu’à moitié de cette histoire d’exotisme/qttraction/domination. C’est peut-être un peu ethno-centré, je ne sais pas. »vous venez juste de faire un article qui montre le contraire, mais soit …

  44. 21. Dezember 2016, 16:31 | #44

    waa idin salaamay walaalayaal aasaasayaasha iyo asaxabta aya maskaxdooda kasoo maaxatay abuurista wabseedkaan aad iyo aad ayaad u mahadsantihiin fikirkaan muhiimka ah ee cunta karis

  45. 21. Dezember 2016, 11:36 | #45

    Ja, eg og vil ha ein sånn liten by med zink-hus i vinduet mitt. Har bare ett. Kan nesten sjå kor fint da lyse i vinduet ditt. Den gode naboen.

  46. 21. Dezember 2016, 10:04 | #46

    “What insurers aren’t allowed to do is discriminate based on race, no matter how actuarially sound their arguments. Blacks, for example, have shorter life expectancies on average than whites, but companies aren’t allowed to charge black customers more for life insurance.”aYes, but I what insurance companies do do, at least where I worked, is give lower payoffs to black clients who have been injured and thereby rendered unable to work, based on their shorter life expectancies.

  47. 21. Dezember 2016, 09:15 | #47

    Mikrodenetleyiciler konusunda bir zamanlar amatör çapta uğraşmış ve modelcilik hayatına quadcopter ile başlamış biri olarak çalışmalarınızı gerçekten çok takdir ettim. Ülkemizde sizin gibi insanların olması beni çok gururlandırdı.. Çalışmalarınızı takip etmeye başladım. Başarılarınızın devamını diliyorum. Kıymetinizin birileri tarafından bilinmesi dileğiyle iyi çalışmalar diliyorum..

  48. 21. Dezember 2016, 08:48 | #48

    wow all of these layouts are so amazing…I would love to come and look through your scrapbook albums..the kids are going to just love all these when they get older…Great memories…Have a great weekend..

  49. 21. Dezember 2016, 07:30 | #49

    Unquestionably believe that which you said. Your favorite reason appeared to be on the internet the simplest factor to understand of. I say to you, I definitely get irked whilst other folks consider worries that they plainly do not know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the highest as neatly as defined out the whole thing without having side-effects , people can take a signal. Will probably be back to get more. Thanks

  50. 21. Dezember 2016, 05:52 | #50

    Imi plac briosele dar si ceiutul de fructe de padure l-as savura cu mare placere.Foarte frumos arata totul,sper sa imi fac timp sa particip si eu !Pupici!

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