My mum always likes to remind me of the fact that i spend too much time in front of my computer and not out there with “mother nature”. Today i took her advice and made a peek outside my window and this is what i saw. Maybe I should listen to her more often ^^
Andreasz Photography Dark Clouds, Landscape, Steyr
The task was very simple; to create a Logo for the AG Fest, a party organized by the “AktionsGemeinschaft Salzburg” (link) with only one condition: it should include their rainbow Logo. I first tried to create a more serious text only logo with variations of the rainbow theme, but it didn’t work out that good so i decided to try a completely different approach by thinking of ways how to use the original rainbow logo. I hope I succeeded in creating a Logo/Poster Design that will stick in your mind when passing it on the street.
By the way: we are going to be there, djing (and hopefully also doing Live Visuals) as Richard Rise and would love to see all you Electro-Lovers there.
Edit: The location changed; instead of Spoon we will be in the Petersbrunnhof – that means more space and walls for visuals =)
Andreasz Design, Dj/Vj, Event 13. Mai, AG Fest, Event Logo, Partybär, Petersbrunnhof, Poster, Richard Rise, Salzburg
Today i backed up some of my old designs and drawings, enjoyed some lolcats while burning and stumbled across a tshirt online shop throught an ad on icanhas. It was only a few moments ago when i thought that one of those old drawings would be a nice tshirt and as luck would have it there is a submisson possibility on that tshirt site. Nice coincidence i had to use. If you like it feel free to rate and comment it here. (
Andreasz Design Drawing, Heart, Tshirt, Twisted Love